
Seh Calaz speaks on copyrights rift between fellow artists – warns producers

Seh Calaz speaks on copyrights rift between fellow artists – warns producers  – Seh Calaz has weighed in on the current copyrights dispute, stating that it is causing a rift between producers and artists in the music industry. The Zimbabwean artist expressed concern about the impact of the conflict on the working relationship between both parties.

Calaz believes that the issue of copyrights has become prevalent among producers and artists due to a lack of clear and concise terms of employment. He explains that some artists want to rise to fame quickly, while others would rather stay on the same level. Calaz suggests that producers should handle this situation cautiously to avoid hurting their businesses. He warns them to be wary of greedy artists who are only interested in their personal gain, as well as those who are not willing to compromise.

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In his social media post, Calaz urged producers to be mindful of their actions and avoid being greedy or selfish. He explains that they should exercise caution in their dealings with artists to prevent harming one another’s career prospects. He advises producers not to focus solely on their profit margins and to consider the bigger picture of the industry as a whole.

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The popular artist also warns against engaging in copyright quarrels, as it may hinder the progress and success of the industry. He encourages producers and artists to work together in mutual cooperation and sharing of ideas, to foster an atmosphere of creativity and collaboration. Calaz believes that this is the key to ensuring that the Zimbabwean music scene continues to thrive.

“Zvema copy rights izvo zvinokonzerwa nekuti producers and artists Mazhinji Havana ma terms vanoshanda because vamwe vakuda kusimuka ,vamwe will be on same level Asi Paine Ari down, ma projects Mazhinji akaitwa pachi ghetto Yut and brotherly love,” he wrote.

He went on to say, “ chenjerai kuvhiringidza basa rako producer nedzungu rekuda kuhakira, nekusada Kusarira, hapana achauya ikoko zve after vaona hunhu hwekuti wawaidya naye muchiwirirana
wakumukanda pasi pebhazi because hamufambidzane ,hatina kuti Ifai nenzara ,idyai mukohwe zvamaka dyara Asi Tangai mambogara pasi mega musati mangobairira copyright“.



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