
Nigerian Pastor Prophet Metu Predicts Today as the End of the World – now everyone is waiting

Nigerian Pastor Prophet Metu Predicts Today as the End of the World – now everyone is waiting – In a startling proclamation, Nigerian Pastor and Prophet Metu declared that today marks the culmination of the world’s existence. This pronouncement, steeped in religious fervor, sent shockwaves through his congregation and beyond.

Prophet Metu, known for his impassioned sermons and prophetic declarations, fervently preached about the impending apocalypse during his Sunday service. With conviction in his voice and fervor in his eyes, he warned his followers of the imminent end, urging them to prepare spiritually for the final reckoning.

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The news is spreading rapidly across social media platforms, triggering a mixture of reactions ranging from fear and apprehension to skepticism and disbelief. Some believers frantically sought refuge in prayer and repentance, while others questioned the validity of such a prophecy.

Amidst the chaos of conflicting emotions and interpretations, Prophet Metu remained steadfast in his conviction, citing divine revelations and biblical prophecies to support his claim. His sermon, infused with urgency and solemnity, resonated with those who embraced his teachings wholeheartedly.

As the day is unfolding, the world is watching with bated breath, waiting to see if Prophet Metu’s prophecy would come to pass.

Hours are ticking by, and clock approaching midnight, anticipation is gripping the hearts of many, wondering if this would indeed be the world’s final hour.

Yet, as dawn will break on the following day, will the  world remain intact?, dispelling the apocalyptic prediction. Let’s wait and see.

Prophet Metu’s declaration, while stirring a temporary frenzy,is ultimately serving as a reminder of the complexities of faith, interpretation, and the human fascination with eschatological beliefs.

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