
Bulawayo Man Forced To Eat Raw Chicken & Its Feathers As Punishment for Stealing

A man in Pumula, Bulawayo got into trouble after being caught stealing a broiler.

Eyewitnesses reported that the young man frantically tried to leave the scene while tightly clutching the stolen chicken.

Unfortunately for him, community members gave chase and caught him as he fled.

As the thief was confronted, he attempted to blame his actions on “January disease.” However, the angry crowd refused to accept his excuse and demanded that he either endure a beating or eat the raw, uncooked chicken.

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In a desperate attempt to avoid harm, the thief reluctantly ate the victimized chicken, feathers and all, while onlookers watched and recorded the scene with their cellphones.

“He endured the beatings with a heavy heart while eating the obviously unpalatable meal in an attempt to avoid further harm. It’s possible that he’ll never steal again,” said one resident.

It is unclear what became of the thief once he was released, but one can only assume that the humiliation will act as a deterrent for him and others contemplating similar actions in the future.


This situation serves as a cautionary tale for those who may be considering committing crimes in their communities. While it may be tempting to steal or take advantage of others, the risk of being caught and punished in such a humiliating way is not worth it. It also highlights the importance of having a strong sense of community and looking out for one another.

In conclusion, the theft of a broiler in Pumula, Bulawayo led to a public shaming for the perpetrator. The story reinforces the notion that actions have consequences and serves as a reminder to make good choices and seek help rather than turning to a life of crime.


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