South Africa’s Dineo Ranaka Dates ‘Podcast & Chill Network’ After Kaya FM Break Up
DJ and podcaster MacG announced on his Instagram account on Sunday, 9 July that former Kaya FM broadcaster Dineo Ranaka has joined the Podcast and Chill Network.
MacG added that the media personality Dineo Ranaka, who hosted Kaya 959’s Breakfast show with Sol Phenduka will have her own show titled Dineo on Sex and Stuff on the Podcast and Chill Network.
“We’re proud to announce our newest addition to the #podcastandchillnetwork. Get ready for the radiant @dineoranaka on her new show called #dineoonsexnstuff.
Show premieres on Tuesday at 3pm on YouTube,” said MacG.
News of Ranaka joining the YouTube channel comes a day after she announced on her Instagram that she was fired from Kaya FM.
“I just got fired from Kaya FM, interesting season of my life. So… what’s next Dineo,” she wrote, asking people to not feel sorry for her.
The TV and radio personality Dineo Ranaka announced on her Instagram account on Saturday, 8 July that Kaya FM fired her.
Sunday World reported this week that Ranaka was reportedly negotiations a mutual separation with the Johannesburg-based radio station.
The publication added that the entrepreneur and reality TV star was in a three-year contract with the radio station and it was meant to end in 2025.
Ranaka had a meltdown on social media in May and revealed on her social media that she was suicidal.
She also recently revealed on her Instagram that she’s been diagnosed with Severe Chronic Depression.
She said: “I feel like I need to allow myself to re-introduce myself to myself because I’ve been a functioning person with depression.”
–South African–