Outrage grows over brutal assault on alleged mistress by group of women

A disturbing video went viral on social media, exposing a vicious attack on an alleged mistress by a Zimbabwean woman and her friends.

The footage shows the victim subjected to relentless physical abuse, stripping her of dignity and clothing. This incident has fueled public outrage, calling for an end to gender-based violence.

The video shows a group of women brutally attacking an alleged mistress mercilessly, beating her with a hosepipe and stick. The defenseless victim is held down, her private areas exposed as she begs for mercy. The assailants issue menacing threats, silencing her from seeking justice.

A viral video posted by @crimewatchzw on X has sent shockwaves through Zimbabwe, prompting nationwide condemnation. The public is demanding swift action from the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), calling for the attackers’ arrest and prosecution.

See some reactions below:

Gift Murapa : “Vanhu vachaperera mumajeri ku Zimbabwe. Assault and violence was drilled into us in a way that we can’t explain”.

Oscar Schindler: “People don’t learn, just a few weeks ago there were women who were arrested for this, a couple of months ago another woman was jailed 5 years for this.”

Ishmael Sibanda: “These ladies shld be arrested. Asi kana vasungwa, murume akutoroora uyo anorohwa kkk. I think its fair kusunga nemurume cz hw can u go for another woman iwe wakaroora? Varume ndisu honzeresi, ngaasungwewo. Arovesa mwana wevaridzi nevakadzi vake ka.”

Hwashe :” The government via ZRP needs to initiate a nationwide education and awareness campaign on this issue. Kusungwa vanosungwa but zvirikuramba zvichikura.”

Muchamaya wekwakache :”We need stiffer sentences for such acts. This is increasingly becoming ridiculous”.

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