HRT Blows Lid Off HCC’s Corruption Rot

By Loyd Matare

The City of Harare, which boasts an impressive portfolio as the second-largest property owner after the government, has been tarnished by allegations of corruption and mismanagement of funds.

At the root of these allegations are claims of self-serving high-profile leaders, whose actions have sparked widespread concern. Despite this, the City of Harare has been working to restore its reputation, dismissing the allegations as baseless and unfounded.

However, experts and residents paint a different picture, one that suggests the entity has become a hotbed of corruption, with deep-seated rot that threatens to undermine its very foundations.

“The truth is that we now have puppet councillors who will never stand up to the mayor even if his energy is wrongly directed, especially on selection of service providers,” says Precious Shumba, director of the Harare Residents Trust (HRT), hinting at a complex web of corruption that has entangled the city council.

“The scenario we are faced with at City of Harare is like this. You have siblings of different ages going to school from grade one to secondary. And you have the youngest who stays home.

“Let’s say those going to school are five. When they come back home, they come at different times and their mother will have prepared food for them.

“The youngest will eat with the first one to come home and each one of the others as they come back from school. That’s your management at the City of Harare.

“Each group of councilors who are elected into office is inducted into corruption. The councilors are told ‘mukapusa your term will end musina chamunacho’. This is how you can better your life. They are then introduced to the city’s suppliers. Saka the management is the root of the rot at the City of Harare,” Shumba explained.

Meanwhile, a damning expose has revealed widespread corruption, with allegations of rogue councillors and management disrupting effective service delivery.

According to Shumba, the City of Harare has been plagued by corruption, with councillors and management lining their pockets at the expense of residents.

At the heart of the scandal lies a complex network of corruption, with councillors allegedly bribed to support tender bids and management establishing companies to supply the council.

“The councillors represent the employer, but a majority of them are very poor when they assume office,” Shumba noted. “Councilors know this, and are bribed to look the other way.”

The HRT director pointed to several key issues, including massive corruption in land sales and procurement, the failure to establish a functional billing system, and the mayor’s obsession with national government interference.

Shumba also accused the mayor of forcing councillors to extend the contract of pensioner Godfrey Kusangaya as Acting Finance Director, despite advice from council management and committee members.

Furthermore, Shumba highlighted the city’s failure to fill key positions, including Finance Director, Chamber Secretary, and Human Capital Director.

“The councillors fear to be recalled, and now serve at the pleasure of those with recall powers,” he added.

The situation has left residents disgruntled, but feeling powerless to effect change.

“Residents cannot recall corrupt and incompetent councillors,” Shumba noted.

The HRT director also pointed to the recent Investments in water deal, which he claimed is a “money laundering thing” with no benefit to service delivery.

As the City of Harare struggles to provide basic services, the corruption scandal threatens to further erode trust between residents and the council.

Shumba’s words serve as a stark reminder of the need for urgent reform: “City of Harare is run by a mafia, very greedy and cunning, and potentially dangerous.”

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