High Court Moves Mliswa’s Zifa Election Case to Harare

...Alongside Magaya's Similar Case

The Bulawayo High Court judge, Justice Ngoni Nduna, has moved Temba Mliswa’s challenge regarding the Zifa elections scheduled for January 25 to Harare.

This decision was made because Mliswa’s case is similar to that of Prophet Walter Magaya, who is also seeking to delay the elections.

Magaya’s case is set to be heard tomorrow by High Court judge Justice Tawanda Chitapi.

Both Mliswa and Magaya, who are candidates for the Zifa presidency, want the elections postponed. They both failed Zifa’s eligibility test, and Mliswa is asking for the entire process to restart, claiming that the constitutional amendments were made by people whose authority had expired.

Both cases will now be addressed by Justice Chitapi in Harare.

Mliswa’s lawyer, Musindo Hungwe, confirmed yesterday that the case has been transferred.


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