Women dump me because of my small manh00d: Man cries out

A 35-YEAR-OLD Joburg man has been dumped so many tines that he has stopped counting.
“They dump me the moment they see my shortcomings,” he said.
He said he has had relationships with two women who were virgins and they still dumped him.
“I thought because they didn’t know anything bigger than mine they would stay, but after a while they cheated,” he said.
“I married a woman in 2015 and she promised to stand with me for better or for worse, but that didn’t seem to include my small penis,” he said
“After a year she told me I can’t satisfy her. I felt so small.”
The desperate man said he has spent over R10 000 seeking help.
“I’ve been to a specialist clinic, herbalists and izangoma in different provinces but nothing works,” he said.
“To women I look handsome and a whole man and some propose to me but once I take them to bed, everything changes.”
He said he realised he inherited the family genes after seeing his uncle’s “little worm”.
“My uncle was involved in a fire accident and I had to look after him and bath him. That’s when I saw it was genetic.” he said. He said his manhood, or rather boyhood stopped growing when he was in his teens.
“I could see my friends had bigger ones than me, so I stopped sharing bathrooms with them.”
The news team spoke to the man’s friend, who confirmed knowing about his problem. “It’s sad that a man has to go through what my friend is experiencing.”
The man said his family didn’t know and they only knew about his late uncle because he had a small manhood as well.
Sangoma Khethiwe Ndlovu claimed there are izangoma that can grow ‘bedroom sausages’ but not all of them are capable of doing so.