Woman Gives Birth to Quintuplets at the Age of 37, Doctors Said Was Carrying Triplets

Hellen Tetteh, a 37-year-old Ghanaian mother had the surprise of her life after delivering a set of quintuplets when she was previously informed by a scan that she was carrying triplets.
According to the young woman, although she was not expecting five new children, she considers it to be a blessing and praises God for the great gift.
A source cited by AfroGazette reported, Hellen had the children at the St Martin’s de Porres hospital at Agomanya in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region.
Health professionals at the hospital assisted in a smooth delivery process, and have indicated that the mother and babies (quints) all doing well.
A member of the family is, however, calling on the general public and benevolent groups or individuals who are touched by the story to assist the family.