Wife hits husband with pot over bread ‘misunderstanding’

A 27-YEAR-OLD woman from Nketa suburb in Bulawayo was arrested for allegedly striking her 40-year-old husband twice on the head with a pot following a misunderstanding over bread.
The incident which occurred on 4 July 2022 was confirmed by Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube who urged members of the public to desist from fighting one another.
“I confirm the arrest of Ester Muchefu for assaulting her husband after having a misunderstanding over bread. We are worried about the rise in domestic violence cases where even men are brutally abused by their women.”
“Some of them are afraid to report because of the stigma. We urge all men that are abused to report. However, we highly urge the community at large to live in peace and desist from fighting one another,” said Inspector Ncube.
Circumstances are that Ester Muchefu sent her husband to the shops to buy sliced bread. Her husband however, bought the unsliced one and brought it home.
That caused a misunderstanding in which Ester was accusing her husband of disrespecting her. At the height of the misunderstanding Ester reportedly picked up a pot which she used to strike her husband with once on the forehead and once at the back of his head.
As a result of the attack her husband who sustained two deep cuts went and reported the matter to the police leading to the arrest of Ester.
In an unrelated incident, residents from Nkulumane suburb were left shell-shocked, when a foetus was found floating in sewage with blood dripping from its nose and mouth.
The discovery was made by Sitholile Dube (37) on I July at around 3pm. Dube alerted her grandmother Maina Sibanda (58) who reported the matter to ZRP Tshabalala.
Police officers and officials from the Bulawayo City Council attended the scene and removed the foetus and took it to United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) mortuary for postmortem. – B-Metro