Transgender Sangoma Plans to Get New Body in Turkey

SOUTH AFRICA- Celebrity Sangoma Gogo Tyra Manzini plans to spend over R310,000 on body enhancement procedures.
The transgender woman from Secunda, Mpumalanga, will travel to Turkey for various surgeries, including a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), tummy tuck, liposuction, rhinoplasty, fox eyes, and breast augmentation.
In an interview with Daily Sun, Gogo Manzini shared her motivations for undergoing surgery. “The main reason is so I transform and change the way I look completely. That doesn’t mean I hate the way I look now. But I had a dream of looking a certain way. The time hadn’t come for me to do this because these are expensive procedures.
She also expressed a desire to stabilize her life financially before pursuing these changes. “I wanted to sort my life, have houses and cars and everything would be paid off. I’m a transgender woman I want to look more like a woman. Also, I’m okay with my sexuality. It doesn’t mean I want to be a woman. I just want to doll myself up. A person is like a house, you fix them,” she said.
Gogo Manzini also mentioned plans for additional surgeries in the future. “I wanted more procedures, but my doctor advised against it, saying it would be too much at once. The only major surgery we’re doing now is the tummy tuck. After I recover, I plan to return for more.”
When asked if her ancestors would recognize her after so many changes, she expressed confidence. “Idlozi is spiritual and resides within you. They recognize you by your essence, not your appearance. I’m not altering my sexuality or removing any private parts.”
She intends to document her journey in Turkey on her YouTube channel.
However, some fellow izangoma disagree with her views. Gogo Muntu Segage, coordinator of the Traditional Healers Association in Ekurhuleni, criticized her actions.
“What she’s doing is dangerous and goes against the principles of ubungoma. A spirit connects with you naturally; altering your appearance changes that connection.”
Gogo Solly Mathebula echoed these concerns, stating that such procedures could lead to issues with her dlozi recognizing her. “Once you undergo the initiation, you are introduced to your ancestors. Changing your appearance can disrupt that connection.”