Rural girls using cow dung as sanitary pads: Zimcodd

YOUNG girls in rural areas are reportedly using old blankets, old rags and even cow dung during their menstrual cycles because they have no access to sanitary wear.
According to a Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimcodd) report, most rural girls were now improvising because the cost of sanitary wear has skyrocketed beyond their reach.
A snap survey by NewsDay yesterday revealed that the cheapest packet of 10 sanitary pads now costs $1 800 or US$1,50 to US$2, while very expensive brands can cost up to US$10.
Women who can afford luxury tampons have to fork out US$4 for the cheapest brand.
The smallest 50 gram packet of cotton wool costs US$2. On average, a women or girl needs two to three packets of 10 pads each menstrual cycle. In a statement, Zimcodd said due to the secrecy surrounding menstruation and failure by some communities to accept it as a natural biological process, many disadvantaged girls in rural areas ended up using unhygienic materials, which results in them missing.
“Menstruation, although a normal bodily function, is still met with silence, taboos and stigma. Women and girls face numerous challenges in managing their menstrual cycle as pads and other supplies may be unavailable or unaffordable. They may also lack access to safe toilet facilities with clean water where they can clean themselves in privacy and they face discriminatory cultural norms or practices that make it difficult to maintain good menstrual hygiene. Many women without access to menstrual products improvise with old blankets, toilet paper, rags, newspapers, mud and even cow dung.
“At a recent assessment visit in Zaka district by the Portfolio Committee on Primary and Secondary Education, it was noted that most young girls did not have access to sanitary wear and this resulted in absenteeism from school for a few days every month,” read the Zimcodd report.
Zimcodd said this infringes on women’s rights to reproductive health, water and sanitation.
“Poverty and humanitarian crises can limit women’s and girls’ access to culturally appropriate, high quality menstrual supplies and safe, private washing facilities. Often women and girls face poor access to safe bathing facilities and menstrual supplies – including those in impoverished school systems, prisons and homeless shelters.”
Lack of access to menstrual hygiene may cause women to also refrain from taking certain jobs because they might be penalised for taking regular bathroom breaks.
“Government must continue to support initiatives that promote access to menstruation products and information about menstruation, changes and hygiene practices such as the current distribution programme in Zaka. There is need to provide facilities that enable menstruating people to care for themselves during menstruation by ensuring access to water, sanitation and waste services,” Zimcodd added.
Its the sad truth . Very few girls in rural areas know of any pad brand on the market . Sadly period poverty affects their whole life, they lose their dignity , they are disconnected from the outside world during their menses in fear of period leaks hence theyr not living their fulfilled lives. Gvt really need to take the dignity , physical and mental well-being of girls seriously.