PICS: Man arrested in Pretoria for possession of R3, 5 million fake money

Pretoria – A motorist who was travelling in a red Range Rover was arrested by the tactical unit of Tshwane Metro Police Department (TMPD) after he was found in possession of counterfeit money.

TMPD spokesperson, Senior Superintendent Isaac Mahamba, said during an operation, police officers noticed a suspicious convoy including the red Range Rover, two Mercedes Benz vehicles and a Toyota in Pretoria central on Friday.

“The operation was conducted following a syndicate dealing in money laundering and counterfeit money. During the operation, the officers were following a convoy of suspicious vehicles comprising of a red Range Rover, two Mercedes Benz had a Toyota Corolla,” said Mahamba.

The TMPD officers intercepted and searched the Range Rover at Arcadia Street. During the search, the officers found a counterfeit R100 note was found.

A man was arrested in Pretoria central for possession of around R3, 5 million counterfeit bank notes in Pretoria CBD. Photo: TMPD

“Upon further questioning, the driver led them to the premises at Stanza Bopape Street where more fake money was kept. At the premises, a steel box full of counterfeit money was discovered along with chemicals used to clean the money,” said Mahamba.

“The counterfeit money found amounts to more than R3, 5 million. The officers also discovered that the name of the suspect matches the suspect who was sought for money laundering.”

Police also established that the man was wanted for money laundering and they arrested him. Photo: TMPD

The suspect was then arrested for possession of counterfeit bank notes.

“He will appear in court soon,” said Mahamba.


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