New Zealand butcher starts selling ‘King Charles sausages’ in honour of his banger fingers

In the wake of Queen Elizabeth’s death, King Charles III has assumed the role of monarch, but despite the UK in a grip of mourning for their beloved queen, tweeps are pocking fun at the king’s rather “girthy grippers”, as one news outlet called them.

Following photos that were shared far and wide online of the king’s juicy fingers, Avon’s Butchery seemingly felt inspired and made a light-hearted, fun reference to their newest sausage line.

In a temporary Instagram story post, the butcher’s page uploaded an image of the pork product on sale above the label, “King Charles Sausage Fingers”.

The king even jokingly called them his “sausage fingers” back in 2012 while on tour in Australia.

British doctor, Dr Gareth Nye has explained the health condition that could be responsible for this issue. He said: “Oedema is a condition where the body starts to retain fluids in the limbs, normally the legs and ankles but also in the fingers, which causes them to swell,” according to Wales Online.

“To see if this is the cause, pressing the swollen area for about 15 seconds would cause a depression in the area.” He also noted that older people can develop the disorder if they sit for long periods of time.

King Charles has been pictured with swollen hands and feet many times, noticeably after long periods spent flying or travelling to hot countries.


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