Is he the luckiest man alive?

IS there a Guinness Book of Records for the LUCKIEST people in the world?

If there is Clemence Muhle, a Rusape-based physiotherapist, probably deserves to have his name on the front page and the letters written in gold.

Sometimes fate just throws something at us, which we struggle to understand, as if to remind us that we are just mere mortals.

Take, for instance, the amazing story of Muhle and his family!

They have been trending all week, after his wife, became the latest recipient, within the family, to win a major prize at a promotional where thousands, if not millions, chance their luck.

She won a car in the latest edition of the hugely-popular OK Grand Challenge.

“It now looks like it’s something they do for a living,” said one of hundreds of people who have been reacting to the family’s winning streak.

“From a distance, you just have to salute them because how does one put an explanation to all this.”

At least, he was civil.

Others have chosen to see the dark arts, to find an explanation, to this amazing winning streak.

Muhle claims he only came to play the major promotions, like the OK Grand Challenge, after being challenged by someone who felt his strategies, which had seen him dominate the Rusape promotions, would be tested on the national scene.

‘What led me to play the OK Grand Challenge was a challenge from some local guy (in Rusape), who challenged me to play on a national scale to show I don’t use juju,” he told our sister newspaper, The Sunday Mail.

“Ainditi ukuda kutidherera muno maRusape, imbotamba inotambwa ne Zimbabwe yese OK Grand Challenge tione kana juju yako ikashanda plus usatidherera because hatina mari yakawanda.”

Less than two years after that challenge, he won three cars, in his second attempt, in the OK Grand Challenge.

He had won three trucks in the regional retail promotions, run by Metro Peach, before that.

“Inini hangu ndinenge ndakuti it’s sort of divine wisdom, ndingangoti ma notes hangu but kufemerwa nedenga because chizarito chacho chakadai hachisi chega.

“Such a revelation kuti iuye, it’s sort of divine zvinotoda kuzarurirwa kuti ndigone kuzviita. I can’t stop people from saying what they want, inini I know the truth.

“I’m a Christian and a believer of the End Time Message. I can’t be found in the category of juju, that will be the last thing.

“I’m a professional, I don’t want anything to do with these things. I have no clue of what juju is.”

The father of nine hails from Chipinge and grew up poor but worked hard to find himself studying at the University of Zimbabwe.


◆ Five Huawei smartphones

◆ Three 1.5 tonne Toyota Dyna trucks

◆ A total of $45 000 in prize money

◆ 2015 − Won a 1.5 Tonne truck

◆ 2016 − Won a 1.5 Tonne truck

◆ 2017 − Won truck in Mutare and Murehwa

◆ 2017 – Rusape truck was won by someone taught the game

◆ 2018 − Won three vehicles

◆ Declared his target to win 20 cars

◆  2019 – Won a car and $50 000 in cash prizes

◆ 2021 – Won US$1,5 million cash pries

◆  2022 – His wife won a car.


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