‘How I found out my mom was pregnant with my boyfriend’s baby’

TikToker Vanessa Jules’s story is just another example of how the overturning of Roe v Wade has far-reaching consequences for thousands of women living in the US.

Taking to social media, she said she had no idea her boyfriend and mother were having an affair. To top things off, her mother is now pregnant with Jules’s boyfriend’s baby.

“It all started when I was on a girls’ trip to Mexico. Roe v Wade just got overturned that morning and I was calling all the women in my life just to check on them,” said Jules.

She said when she got her mother on the phone, she was distraught and crying. “I didn’t think anything of it because she’s a woman raising a woman in America.”

Jules then continued with her trip, and then two days later called her mother again. “She was still audibly distraught”, she said and insisted on returning to the US to get to the bottom of her mother’s distress.

And that’s when her mom dropped the bombshell, telling her she was pregnant. Jules said initially she didn’t think much of it and was excited to have a younger sibling.



Her mother then cut her off and said the baby’s name would be John – Jules’s boyfriend at the time.

Deciding on coming clean, her mother admitted Jules’s boyfriend John was the father of the unborn child.

“After I heard that, my soul left my body. And everything that came after that, I was not ready for,” Jules said.

Jules’s post went viral for obvious reasons, with more than 340K likes and 8 700 comments.

In a follow-up video, she said the only thing to do was to block her mother and boyfriend on all social media platforms.


A few weeks later after moving out of their shared home, Jules confronted John. “He basically said he was sorry and he told me if I come back, he’ll make things right, and that my mother would take care of the child.”

To make things worse, Jules said after she posted her initial video, other women came forward to say they were in relationships with John.

Suffice to say, she’s closed that chapter of her life, and has still not spoken to her mother as she needs time to heal.


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