Harare Slay Queen Claims Thigh Vending Left Her US$5k Richer At Ginimbi’s Final All White Party

Controversial slay queen Evangelica Sandie has revealed that she left the late flamboyant businessman Genius “Ginimbi” Kadungure’s final all white party US$5 000 richer from thigh vending.
Before his death, Ginimbi had made it an annual tradition to hold an all-white party with his friends, the rich and famous in celebration of his birthdays.
It was at the final edition of these auspicious parties, which took place at Ginimbi’s Domboshawa mansion, where Sandie claims she left with US$5k from selling her cookie to the rich guests who were in attendance.

Taking to Facebook, Sandie shared selfies she took with some of the guests and captioned the pictures with the words;
Musi uyu we last all white handiukanganwe zvangu Aiwa ndakavapa vese vakaguta ndikabva ndakabata Ka 5K kangu kasina basa (I will never forget the final all-white-party, I gave it to all of them until they satisfied and left US$5k richer)
Sandie was recently in the news after she was scammed in Kenya where she was visiting a lover she met online.
According to Sandie, she went to Kenya on 13 June to visit her online lover but was not aware that her lover was a drug dealer.
Sandie and her unnamed lover were in a relationship for six months before she decided to visit him in Kenya.
She said the lover lied to her that he was from Kenya when in fact he was from Sierra Leone.
Sandie said on their way to Mombasa they were hijacked by three cars. The hijackers took everything they had including a suitcase full of cash which she estimated was US$250 000 or more.
Sandie was left with the clothes that she was wearing and luckily her passport was in the pocket of her jacket.
Her boyfriend was shot in the knees and thrown by the roadside.
Angelica Sandie was taken in by the Zimbabwean Embassy in Kenya. She made videos appealing for assistance from well-wishers to pay her plane fare back to Zimbabwe.
A number of Zimbabweans came through and bought her a ticket back to Zimbabwe.