Bogus insurance agents in court

TWO suspected bogus motor vehicle insurance agents appeared in court facing fraud charges.
Shadreck Tavarera and Alfred Mugoma were each granted $10 000 bail when they appeared before Harare magistrate Yeukai Dzuda.
They will be back in court on October 14.
The complainant is the State, represented by Detectives Sergeant Chapusa of CID Commercial Crime Division, Northern Region.
It is the State’s case that on January 27, Tavarera met Benjamin Tavona at Harare Main Post Office.
Tavona wanted to licence four motor vehicles, on behalf of EJ Style Logistics (Pvt) Limited.
Tavarera is said to have told Tavona that he could process the motor vehicle insurance licences.
He was given US$500 cash for the job. After receiving the money, Tavarera and Mugoma teamed up with Raymond Jowa, who is still at large.
The trio shared the money and then logged into the ZINARA licensing system, using the user identity of Samson Simbisai.
Simbisai is said to be an employee of NMB Bank, responsible for licensing motor vehicles on behalf of the bank.
Acting in connivance, the trio effected the transactions in which they licensed the four vehicles, without depositing any money into the account.
Tavarera then gave Tavona the motor vehicle insurance disks.
The total value stolen was $47 000, which was all recovered, as NMB reversed the transactions by cancelling the unlawfully acquired disks.