27-Year-Old Woman Born Without Punani Shares Life Story & How She Urinates
27-Year-Old Woman Born Without Punani Shares Life Story & How She Urinates – A 27-year-old woman who was born without a vagina or uterus has shared her life story in a short documentary. The lady reported that she only discovered she was different when she reached her adolescent years.
On seeking medical attention, the doctor who attended to her was startled when he discovered that she had neither a uterus nor a v@gina. The doctor even went as far as double-checking the results with a colleague, as he found it hard to believe what he had seen. The woman reported that the doctor had asked her if she had previously undergone an abortion, but she had not.
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As a result of her condition, the woman has never experienced urination, but she has learned to adapt and accept it as a part of her life. Her story shines a light on some of the lesser-known medical conditions and anomalies that some individuals live with, despite the struggles and challenges that sometimes come with it.
The documentary of the woman’s story has sparked a conversation around the importance of awareness and support for people living with similar medical conditions. It highlights the need for individuals to treat others with empathy and to be more accepting of people’s differences.
woman born without punani – watch video below: